Festive PBJ's

Festive PBJ's

When it comes to classic comfort foods, few things can beat a good old peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But why settle for ordinary when you can take this beloved staple to the next level by putting a festive twist on it and by adding a touch of holiday cheer.


Serves 3


2 Jocelyn's Provisions Strawberry, Lemon & Star Anise Jam

1 Loaf of Pain de Mie (2 slices per serve)

Peanut Butter (your choice of smooth or crunchy)




1. Spread one side of your Pain de Mie with lots of Peanut Butter.

2. Top liberally with Strawberry, Lemon & Star Anise Jam - then sandwich together. 

3. Butter the outside and toast in a heated jaffle maker until golden and crunchy!

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